Monday, 26 April 2010

Do you need to change the way you market and sell your services in 2010?

"Given the current economic climate do you think that companies need to review and change the way they market and sell their products and services?"

This was a question I was recently asked...

Yes, let’s face it prospects are now better informed than ever before, they can go and speak to your existing and past customers relatively easily. They have often formed an opinion about what you offer way before you enter into dialogue with them. What can you do?

Engage, engage, engage before you sell, sell, sell

We all need to market smarter, more often .

A good place to start is with your marketing plan, you do have a marketing plan don’t you?

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

April Webinar: How to Align your Sales and Marketing for More Revenue

Please join me for my April 2010 Webinar: "How to Align your Sales and Marketing for More Revenue"

Date: Tuesday April 20th
Start: 2pm GST, 9am EDT
Duration: 30 Minutes

Register here

Hope you can make on the 20th.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Jeremy Nicholas interviews me about "Alignment"

BBC Broadcaster, Jeremy Nicholas, recently interviewed me about my new book "Alignment"

Here is a link to the recording.

Hope you enjoy