Friday, 30 January 2009

Secret Tip to include in your Next Media/Press Release.

Media Releases are an ideal way to get your message out about something that you or your business is doing. They really are quite simple to construct if you use Kipling’s famous words

“I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.”

What is the story
Who is involved?
When did/will it happen
Why is this on interest?
How much does it cost?
Where can I see it or buy it?

Now for my special tip, make sure to include a client or third party quote, it adds all the power to your message. If you cannot find a 3rd party quote then by ball means quote yourself.

Go on issue a press realease and issue it to the world. Search “free media release service” on Google and starting telling the world about your success. Remember to send a copy to clients.

1 comment:

Vladimir Kopilkov said...

Hello Rod

Has decided to write to you the offer for business cooperation, as to a member of club.
Probably, I should write all over again to you to learn your opinion, but I risk, that it will be interesting to you or you will think up, as it is possible to use favourably.
I use automatic text translation from Russian on English, and I ask to forgive my computer for translation.
Everyone know, that during crisis many people have many problems, in affairs and in personal attitudes, there is a depression and a panic.
Almost nobody knows what to do further, therefore do even more mistakes.

My offer: To spend lectures on-line in Skype, for all comers.
To spend meetings on radio on-line with the astrologist.

I professionally am engaged in the astrological analysis in business, I predict situations, I model variants, I estimate psychology of attitudes in family, and I recommend the client the best decisions.
It is complex service.

Because now it is necessary to combine a miscellaneous, that to have qualities as a result. I prepare for author's lectures for women to help them it is better to understand attitudes in family and with colleagues.

I use methods of numerology, an astrology and psychology.
Certainly, for dialogue with clients in the USA, it is necessary for me the help of the translator for simultaneous interpretation from Russian on the American English language.

I hope, you will think of using my opportunities professionally.

Yours faithfully, Vladimir