Thursday 30 July 2009

“How to Rod Sloane your Marketing!”

Hey my mojo's pretty high today, how's yours?

Now even me, in all modesty, I probably wouldn't run ad ad or workshop entitled “How to Rod Sloane your Marketing!” I'm too modest..but you could promote it for me, OK?

However I have a presentation entitled “How to Barack Obama your Business!” that people get excited about. What does it mean? Innovation, Story-telling, Change? So...

Why not turn a real name into a verb. After all people don't carry out a search enquiry on they just Google it.

If I put your name in the place of “How to Barack Obama your Business!” e.g. “How to John Smith your Business!” what would it mean?

Do you know?

Tip: Ask people around you...

Find out what your name means as a verb and you have some real currency with your marketing “How to Rod Sloane your Name!”

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