Wednesday, 6 May 2009

What's New, Pussycat?

Today is the start of the international cricket season in England. England play the West Indies at Lords. Now, I'm a cricket and England supporter so I'm excited and full of anticipation.

Why? Because it's the start, the first game, it's new.

The media are talking about this match. A few Australians may even be watching!! The English team are not the world's best---by some margin! However, it's the new season, a chance to look forward and be optimistic.

Get the point?

We all look forward to the new. Whether is the new George Clooney movie, the new fashions from Milan or the new baseball season.

So what's new in your business?

How about a new service, product or marketing piece.

It doesn't have to be expensive, tweaking is OK.

Now you have reason to go back to people with your new service or CD.

Tell them about your new stuff.

I'm working on new stuff right now, you'll want me to tell you about them when they're ready won't you?


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